On the 25th of April I departed once again to East Africa, this time to the beautiful country of Tanzania. I will be spending 6 months as an International Volunteer with the Jane Goodall Institute's Roots and Shoots program. Roots & Shoots is a global environmental and humanitarian youth program operating in over 100 countries. The aim is to educate and mobilize youth into identifying problems within their communities and taking action to improve them.
After spending 1 month in Dar es Salaam for orientation and language training, I've moved to the town of Moshi where I will be for the remainder of my time. Moshi is a small town in northern Tanzania located at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. It's difficult to say exactly what my job responsibilities will be since they vary significantly and seem to change day by day, thus the purpose of this blog. Hopefully, by reading this, you'll get a better idea of what I'm doing over here and share in my day-to-day life in Tanzania.